About us

Scanform is a Colombian company of Swedish origin. For over 57 years, we have been in constant evolution, to deliver integral and durable solutions.

Our equation

The versatility of our designs, the quality of the materials we use, the innovation in the processes, and an excellent team of collaborators that knows the value of the details and strives to capture it in their work are the perfect equation to meet the highest expectations of our customers.

Excellent workmanship

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

Constant process innovation

Every detail is important when your ambition is to create a product of great design.

Resource management

You need the best materials in order to achieve the best product.

Our Manifest

Enciende la lámpara y descubre por qué en Scanform las ideas se mueven.
“Soluciones versátiles de mobiliario para crear espacios efectivos.” Hábitats vivos que se adaptan al usuario, creando relaciones claras que maximizan la interacción y la efectividad. Nuestra capacidad de evolucionar hoy nos lleva a Flexible Life, la libertad que un espacio es capaz de brindarle a quienes lo habitan y se resume en que cada uno escoge cómo, cuándo y dónde trabaja